Friday, July 15, 2011


If you dont know what the title means it says I DONT EVEN CARE ANYMORE! i say this because everybody is being mad at me for no reason so i did some things in the past but hey you can learn lessons by making mistakes am i right? first thing is my brother is made at me, second my other brother is mad at me, third now my aunt is mad at me but i dont even care the reason why my aunt is mad at me because i put my baby cousin in a room that she wasnt supposed to be in i didnt know thata at forst but seriously i hate my baby cousins i dont care if they are related to me i hate them i wish i was never in this stupid family cause they dont care about anybody except for themselves and it really getting on my nerves i rather unaway and never be found again then be in this family i rather die than be in this family. Thats how much i hate my family. people think im smart and their always judging me on how the way i look and always bossing me around thats why i dont like to have friends because their so obnoxious and the only want you for the thing you have which is dumb its like my friend from school i said i would put music on her mp3 player for her and then when she leaves she take mynew ipod shuffle and im still mad at her and not her friend i get way lot better along with boys then girls and this is how i really fel im gonna be a Scene chick because thats who i am because i took this test and it was 100% true and it said i was scne so that what im gonna act like for the rest of my life i dont ned my family i dont even care for my family they dont do nothing for me except punch  me hurt my feelings and dont even listen to me when its really importana than i should just runaway